Resources + Process Management

Sustainable process quality and the responsible use of resources: two topics that are becoming more and more relevant every day. That is why we offer you an preliminary potential analysis customised specifically for your project. With clear added value for everyone involved: Our precise project service solution ensures savings in terms of resources and at the same time uncovers previously unexposed opportunities to increase efficiency and quality.

Acting as an interface, we support projects in the various planning, approval and implementation phases and ensure maximum consensus with regard to approvability, realisation and customer interests through adapted measures and a consistently impact-oriented approach.

We offer specific surveys of project-relevant assets, create professionally sound landscape conservation plans and plan holistic technical, ecological and water ecology measures.

Our focus:

  • Ski resorts, sports facilities, leisure and recreational infrastructures
  • All areas of municipal infrastructures
  • Low- and high-level transport infrastructures
  • Landfills and sites for the supply of mineral resources
  • Urban development / urban space
  • Energy supplies
  • Natural area management / natural area analyses
  • Water development concepts and ecological protection concepts
